Central West Disc Golf Club operate out of Molong Golf course situated near the small country town of Molong about 4 hours west of Sydney.
Molong was the the host of the NSW Open in 2019.

The course has 12 permanent baskets, which are supplemented with more baskets when tournaments are run. The public course has concrete tee pads and is co-run by the Disc Golfers and Ball golfers.

The Molong course is a fantastic example of Ball Golf and Disc Golf co-existing side by side.

The Central West Club run regular Leagues on the 3rd Sunday of every month, Social Doubles and are generally very active as a club. There is a significant presence of Disc Golf around the town of Molong.
Contact the club via email at: centralwestdiscgolf@gmail.com
or via Facebook at: https://facebook.com/CentralWestDiscGolf/